Destiny, Know Your Limit, Is a Key to winning
a game
me, please know your limits" Now, I am sure you
wouldn't find that a nice statement to be getting?
Or has someone actually used the above remark
on you before?
There is definitely a limit to things and a limit
to what you can do.
the question here is have you really reached your
limits? And to answer you, I dare to be telling
you no you have not! In fact, I have seen many
who gave up without even actually even trying.
Or perhaps to them, they have already tried more
than just hard enough?
see. Many of us are been brought up in a very
well taken care of environment, especially the
younger generations. As compared to the olden
days, technology today has certainly provided
for a much easier life. We have the best of the
equipment and machines to help us with our heavy
load of works. Transportation is like so convenient.
And even walking, we have the most comfortable
of shoes to be putting on and so on so for. In
short, we are in a way too pampered.
to be seeing all these improvement in life is
certainly brilliant. We definitely need to keep
improving and move ahead. But still, we can't
deny that technology has indeed in way disrupted
the nature way of life.
over-relying on someone or something is never
desired. But to be saying, this is what happening
to many of us; being either over pampered by the
parents or relying just too much on technology,
forgetting the very basic of things. And when
real big problem come, ended up at a total loss
for what to do, not knowing how to correctly handle
the situation.
the very fact is we do have the capability to
overcome the problem but sadly to be saying, many
just do not know how to put forth their inner
ability to use.
see. To begin off life way back into the past,
survival was only made possible through the discovering
and understanding of one's strength and ability.
And this understanding is not achieved in just
a day but through numerous of harsh and dangerous
experimenting to overcoming of obstacles after
in this modern day now, many just simply give
up trying upon meeting of some obstacles and which
some are not even considered to be an obstacle
at all.
this. To begin off, there is never a thing called
ruler or even pencil that exists. And to draw
a straight line, we simply make use of stones
to draw against rock. And will we be able to get
a perfect straight line? No way, isn't it?
And this is how's life has always been. There
can never be a perfect smooth path in life too.
A perfect life? No way is life going to be just
perfect. In life, there is bound to be obstacles
after obstacles you are going to meet.
achieve success in life, you must be prepared
to face them.
think back again. Have you really tried hard enough?
Have you truly reached your limits of your ability?
the correct understanding of life. Give yourself
the chance to know the true you within yourself.
There is definitely more to what you can achieve.

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