What Makes a Good Feng Shui
Professional Feng Shui Consultant should NEVER:
- Grade
Your Customers according base on their financial
- Sell
unnecessary items for personal benefits.
Disclose customer information's with third parties.
Comes with Evil Intentions on others.
Bad-mouthing or spreading rumors about others.
Professional Feng Shui Consultant SHOULD:
- Be
upright, selfless, dedicated and honest in all
Have principles of good practice. Listen and
respect their clients' views by allowing them
to be fully involved in decision.
Ensure that they are physically and mentally
fit during each audit and not in way put themselves
or their clients at risk.
Only undertake work for which they are able
to provide.
Promote professional services in a truthful
and responsible approach.
- Upgrade
their skills and retrain them when necessary.
Professional Feng Shui Tutor Should NEVER:
- Teach
at unfair course fees for student.
- lead
student towards bad practice.
Bad-mouthing or spreading rumors about other
form of school.
- Comes
with Bad Intention and Purposes
Professional Feng Shui Tutor SHOULD:
to you by Art-of-Fengshui.com