Feng Shui Philosophy The
Five Elements

be talking about Feng
Shui, we have to understand
the five elements; the relationship of the very
five elements which bring about the formation
of this Universe. They are the Wood, Fire, Earth,
Metal and Water.
forms in this Universe belong to either one the
above-mentioned five elements and are in one way
or another, mutually affecting one another, which
in turn affect our life. This is an ever-going
cycle in the law of Nature.
Productive Cycle
Water generates Wood:
The rain nourishes the Earth, bringing about
the growth of the plants and trees.
Wood generates Fire:
The plants and trees are by nature, combustible
matter which generates fire.
Fire generates Earth:
Under flames, article turn into ashes which
form soil.
Earth generates Metal:
Soil contains minerals which over time, form
- Metal
generates Water:
Under flames, metal melt into liquid state and
likewise water dew is formed quickly on cool
metal surfaces.
Destructive Cycle
- Water
destroys Fire:
Water can extinguish fire
- Fire
destroys Metal:
Fire can melt metal
- Metal
destroys Wood:
Metal cut wood apart
Wood destroys Earth:
Wood can thrust into soil
Earth destroys Water:
Soil is able to retain water, preventing flood
much or too little of the presence of any of the
above element is never desired. A balance is always
sought. For instance, too much of a heat from
the sun can cause drought while too much of a
rain can inversely cause flood and so on...
in the practice of Feng Shui, a balance is in
the same way sought.
the Chinese astrological sciences, the time, year
and date of birth are categorized as under one
of the five elements. Similarly, the five elements
are also associated with colors, seasons and directions...
on the philosophy of the productive, weakening
and destructive cycle of the five elements, the
application of Feng Shui help to incorporate one's
astrological element accordingly; to be in harmony
with the surrounding, bringing about beneficial
to you by Art-of-Fengshui.com